WHEN OUR FRIENDS CAME TO DINNER recently, I had just baked a new recipe for carrot cake and was excited to share it with them. I had this theory that everyone loves carrot cake. Or should love carrot cake.
The excitement to taste this cake got the best of me, so before dinner, I asked the pickier eater of the two if he liked carrot cake, as a sort of teaser. He gave me a blank stare followed by this deadpan reply:
‘’I don’t know. I’ve never tried it.’’
Never tried carrot cake?
What’s not to try? It’s jam-packed with goodies like crushed pineapple and coconut, and scented with cinnamon, plus carrot cake in the oven makes any kitchen smell otherworldly.
I was really hoping everyone loved this cake because I had spent the afternoon resisting its fragrant siren call as it cooled on the counter.